Some crazy and unfortunate stuff has happened within the past two weeks, so this week I've decided to just write about some updates and what has been going on with my momma. We got the news that she was supposed to start immunotherapy treatments on Tuesday, and treatments within the hospital would be twenty straight days, and the rest of the treatments would be done at home, lasting for a total time of a year. So, she was supposed to have a surgery sometime last week, she was going to get a port inserted in her chest so every time she has to go in for treatments she doesn't have to get an iv, they can just do it through the port. And for some reason they pushed everything back by about two weeks. WELL, yesterday my mom and dad took a trip up to Estes Park, and a woman came up to my mom while they were eating pizza and said she deals with skin grafts and asked to see her skin graft. The second she looked at it she urged my mom to go to the ER. The woman said it looked very infected and she was worried because an infection in my mothers case could spread and kill her. They got to the ER and sure enough that woman was right. Her entire skin graft was infected, and also dying. They immediatly hooked her up to iv's and got some medicine flowing through her. She also had to go back today to get more medicine to fight off the infection. So now she possibly can't have her port put in, and she is going to have to have another surgery to have a new skin graft done, which means she won't be able to start treatments. It is very frustrating that she can't start treatments and that they keep getting put off, treating spreading cancer isn't something you can necessarily put off.
This was her foot and the graft the night she went to the hospital. Notice how the graft itself is totally black, and how swollen her foot is.
My moms oncologist told her that only about 30% of skin grafts take the first go around, so I guess she is fitting in with the statistic.
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